Gut Health, Mental Wellbeing, & Probiotics with Natasha Trenev

Episode title:​  Gut Health, Mental Wellbeing, & Probiotics with Natasha Trenev

Episode summary introduction:​ 

In this episode, Natasha Trenev, the founder of Natren, Inc., talks about the importance of gut health and probiotics. Natasha explains that gut health is the root of all health and that up to 80% of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract. She emphasizes the role of beneficial bacteria in the gut and how they support digestion, immune function, and mental health. Natasha also discusses the impact of environmental factors, such as pollution and processed foods, on gut health and offers practical tips for maintaining a healthy gut, including proper food hygiene and mindful eating. She also addresses the misconception that fermented foods alone can provide sufficient probiotics and highlights the importance of precision probiotic supplementation.

Disclaimer: The information in this episode is for entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. This is not meant to advise, diagnose, or treat. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if needed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gut health is the foundation of overall health and wellness, as up to 80% of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Beneficial bacteria in the gut play a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and mental health.
  • Environmental factors, such as pollution and processed foods, can negatively impact gut health.
  • Proper food hygiene, mindful eating, and precision probiotic supplementation are essential for maintaining a healthy gut.

Get To Know Natasha Trenev: 

I am known as the mother of Probiotics - the first person in (1980) North America to introduce category of Probiotic dietary supplements for human use. I have lectured around the world and introduced the concept of probiotics to Canada, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, Belgium, Amsterdam and England. For forty years, I have stated that proper precision probiotic selected beneficial bacteria supplementation will have profound effects on every aspect of human health that includes, physical, mental, emotional, skin and organ health. It will be regarded as the foundation of health. The confusion that currently exists in the field of Probiotics is delaying the indispensable aid to optimal health the proper precision probiotic supplementation can provide. There is no time to waste.

Links Mentioned In The Show:

More Resources:​

Crystal Jewelry, Crystals, & Energy Medicine: follow me @beucrystals over on Instagram

Just Thrive Probiotic: Use code ‘Tansy15’ to receive 15% off this high-quality, probiotic (**Affiliate link**) 

High-quality, professional grade supplements (Fullscript):  SAVE 20%! (**Affiliate link**) 

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