End the burnout cycle forever with energy balancing.

It IS possible to avoid burnout.
You just need a strategy to learn how to make it fit for your life, to calm your nervous system, and to stop wasting your time or money on all the things that don’t directly address what has been holding you back this whole time.
Psst....this is what the pros do to effectively manage their anxiety, guilt, & shame!

I know you’re a busy woman trying to do it all and are feeling anxious everyday.

You feel like you have been holding on so tightly but everything is just slipping away instead. You know there is an easier way, but every time you try, you end up guilt tripping yourself right back into your old habits.

You look around and wonder if you are the only one who is struggling to keep it all together — who secretly feels she doesn’t deserve to take time to pamper herself and would rather exhaustingly keep up the facade rather than feel the shame and guilt from fear of being called a ‘bad mom’ or everyone thinking you are soooo irresponsible…again!!!

Here’s the pink elephant in the room that NOBODY wants to talk about: It has become easier and easier to abandon your own needs. 

Because you were never taught how to take time for yourself and don’t currently have the right role models to show you how self-care is critical for your health and wellness!

I’ll let you in on a little secret…the healthiest women avoid burnout by prioritizing their needs. 

Balance your emotions. Move your body. Eat nutritiously. Do energy healing regularly.

Book Session

It is possible to avoid burnout, prioritize yourself, and not feel guilty or shameful for taking time for you.


You just need a the RIGHT strategy.

Here’s where most busy women go wrong when trying to avoid burnout…

They wake up each morning, put on their Super Woman golden tiara and get ready to swoop in and conquer the day. Doing all the things. For everyone. Except for herself. 

Reality check, sister — you can’t live that life without reaching your tipping point.

You and your family NEED you to leave the golden tiara on your nightstand and stop “shoulding” all over yourself.  

Let me know if this sounds familiar…

  • Every time you try to take time for yourself, guilt & shame creep in
  • The guilt & shame creep in so you backtrack and end up in the same spot right back where you were
  • You feel so discouraged that you stop signing up for the classes, investing in healing sessions, & listening to podcasts 
  • And when you look in the mirror, immediately you begin to criticize the bags under your eyes, how your clothes fit way too tight, and how each day seems to bring on a new wrinkle
  • The more guilt & shame you feel, the harder you push to accomplish more goals because …this.time.I.will.feel.accomplished.
  • But deep down in your heart, you KNOW you can’t keep up the cycle forever


According to research, two in three people, in America, do not practice self-care and only 32 percent of women do. And, studies have also found that only 6.6% of people engaged in purposeful health and wellbeing self-care every day.

Psstt…tending to your basic needs is NOT self-care!


Self- care is a critical part of avoiding burnout. Learning how to let go of triggers, wounds, and fears allows you to embrace self-care.

I am here to help you be part of that 6.6% — because when you’re part of this club you naturally take care of yourself.

There’s a (much) better way and I gotcha covered!

Meet Crystal Reiki & Intuitive Healing Sessions.

Energy healing sessions using crystal protocols made specifically for your kind of burnout and unique needs will help you start prioritizing self-care — get follow-up intuitive coaching so you know EXACTLY what your next steps are to help you move forward.

Crystal Reiki with intuitive coaching gives you the exact steps to help you begin to prioritize how to move forward without feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and ultimately stuck in fear.

The confusion freeze is over. The frustration freeze is over. 

Because healing yourself from the foundational root level starts with knowing confidently how you can overcome what’s been holding you back this whole time. 

That starts with listening to your body 👂🏻

Once you do that? Oh my goodness….

All the conventional advice that has felt like you have been throwing spaghetti at a wall just trying to get something to stick, clears away.

You can see what’s been holding you back and learn to confidently let go of the fears and worries.  

You can start to balance your emotions quicker.  

Move your body in a way that’s right for you.  

Eat nutritiously in ways that support your own personal needs.  

✨All by stepping in and doing energy healing regularly to support you.✨ 

And most importantly…you can return back to who you were born to be before the world changed you! 

Your life deserves a volume boost. It’s time to stop repeating the cycle. 

Health, happiness, & confidence await you on the other side.

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Introducing your anti-burnout solution…

✨Crystal Reiki & Intuitive Healing Sessions✨

By the end of a session, you can expect…

Escape The Chaos

Shed the frazzle and expectations weighing you down. Embrace calmness, find balance, and watch success align in your career, patience flourish with family, and emotional eating cravings fade away. Experience the transformative power firsthand – it's the key my clients swear by, and I'm here to guide you.


Break Free From Anxiety's Grip

Picture a day without the overwhelming flood that paralyzes your mind and body. Imagine navigating social scenes without the suffocating fear and savoring moments without anxiety's hold. No more unexpected bathroom dashes or mornings shackled by fear. I'll guide you to decrease anxiety and uncover strategies to tackle its root cause head-on.

Ignite Self-Love Guilt-Free

Dive into the journey of authentic self-love without the long wait. In each session, master prioritizing yourself minus the guilt. Together, we'll craft clear action steps for elevating self-worth, acceptance, and love. Experience the added bonus of your body reciprocating with calmness, vanishing inflammation, and radiant skin. Let the ahhhhh begin.

Unlock Your Wellness Strategy

The daunting aspect of your wellness journey is uncertainty about where to focus and what's right for you. Let's embark on a co-creative brainstorm to pinpoint your priorities, ensuring you take the precise steps needed for progress and ongoing healing.



Grab Your Session!

Hi- I'm Tansy!

My story goes a little something like this…

I was lying on the floor. Face up. Unable to cry. Unable to move.

I felt completely paralyzed without a tear to shed. All I could feel was a void deep within me that was absent of hope, full of despair, and a desire to not go on. I breathed shallowly as I stared at the white, lifeless ceiling. I didn't know what burnout was until I finally arrived there.

After what felt like a lifetime, I was finally able to roll onto my side and heave myself onto two feet. Wobbly and in a zombie-like coma, I stumbled back to my bed and lifelessly tumbled into bed. But I couldn't sleep. All I could do was stare and think. Think about how this could have happened — WHAT was happening. 

Just earlier that day, I was rushing around, frantically ticking off boxes on my to-do list. I was juggling so many balls in the air that I barely had time to breathe. Or to rest. Or to take care of myself. My boundaries were poor and my voice could rarely squeak out 'No' when asked to do something. This was what I knew! Because to-do lists, poor boundaries, and mindlessly running from task to task was how I always operated!

Until I couldn't operate like that anymore. This time it wasn't my choice. I was forced to stop!

I HAD to figure out a new way of living. It was quite literally life or death.

And that’s why I’m here to bring this to you!

Reiki, energy healing techniques, crystals, and essential oils changed my life. These were the exact support tools I used to squash my burnout, clear away the mental fog, balance my emotions, and allow my physical body to calm so that I could see more clearly the deeper work I need to do. AND, have confidence, energy, and strength to actually do the deeper work! 

This changed my entire life…

Because as life gets hard and my fears growl to show their gnarly teeth, I am confident in knowing that I now have the tools to calm the beast and stand triumphant as I push on. 

Here’s a bit more about me. I am a :

  • Energy Healer
  • Crystal & Chakra Healer
  • Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)
  • Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach
  • Personal Trainer 
  • Physical Therapist Assistant
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Writer & Speaker
  • Unshakable motivator dedicated to helping you spread that beautiful energy you were born to share!

As Seen In

Here’s the unpopular truth:


→You don’t need more books.

→You don’t need more supplements.

→You don’t need overly rigid training plans

What you DO need is energy healing.

Crystal Reiki & Intuitive Healing Sessions ARE for you if...


>> You want to avoid burnout for good. 

>> You are tired of feeling like you can’t get off the hamster wheel and you want to make a real change.

>> You have tried self-help books, podcasts, worked with personal trainers or health coaches, gone the “mainstream route,” therapy, or all the diets — yet, nothing seems to stick or work long-term.

>> You really want a way to feel as though taking care of yourself is going to actually benefit those around you — creating a better place for your family.

>> You want freedom to be yourself.

>> You want specific action steps to sprinkle in during the time you around your busy schedule

>>  You have specific health and wellness concerns that you want to support.

Crystal Reiki & Intuitive Healing Sessions ARE NOT for you if...


>> You’re so busy that you don’t have time to implement what we’ve discussed over the session.

>> You don’t want to take time for yourself or make changes.

>> You are not willing to invest in yourself or your health.

>> You don’t believe in the benefit of Reiki, crystals, or energy healing.

>> You aren’t willing to try anything new.

Which cup will you choose?

 Because I know how much your time and money mean to you…

I have been where you are and know exactly how it feels deep within my bones when you commit your time and money towards your future health!

Here’s what else you could do with the money:

For $225, you could go to a day spa and indulge in all the services to pamper you from head to toe, allowing you to walk away feeling calm and relaxed. Sure, that will feel amazing in the moment, but that only lasts for that moment. You leave feeling great, but the next day you wake up you are right back on the hamster wheel running out of control.

Now consider this…after 90 minutes, you experience all the feeling of calmness and relaxation. You feel a lightness about yourself and a clarity that you haven’t experienced in years. This time when you awake in the morning, you continue to feel calm and relaxed and have the tools to continue to feel that way over and over again.

Your nervous system finds calm, self-perception blossoms with love, and anxiety dissipates. It's like emerging from the gray haze of burnout into a vibrant, colorful life where every moment is a brushstroke of newfound vitality.

What Others Are Saying

Be inspired!

Relaxing & Easy!

"Tansy was absolutely amazing to work with. She made me feel very comfortable from the start of our conversations talking about what was important to me and what I was looking for in my search. From the onset of our appointment it was relaxing & easy. 
I recommended Tansy to two people and will continue to recommend her. She is truly a gifted human and healer."
Lisa T.

Freeing & Releases Tension!

"Reiki with Tansy is an experience that feeds your soul and helps you release deep held tension you didn't realize you had. Walking into the session with a vague idea of what Reiki is, Tansy gently guided me through the experience of what to expect. Surrounded by crystals on the table, I was able to feel the pull and tug of energy working through my body to release those emotional blockages. It was freeing to work through the visualizations and get a better glimpse of what I've been struggling with. Reiki is definitely an experience you want to be open to so Tansy can utilize her gift of energy healing to benefit you."
Heike M.

Empowered, More Confident & Her Business is Flourishing!

"Before my session with Tansy I was in a bad mental headspace and my world was a bit of a mess. My business was stalled, I was in a state of chronic fog and fatigue and felt like I never had enough of me to go around. This was my very first reiki session and it was the spark I needed to ignite serious change in my world. During my session I could feel the weight being lifted off of me, which I found out was because I tend to hold onto energies of others.  After the session, Tansy shared what she experienced and what information she got for me. This piece was so empowering and helpful. It enabled me to learn so much more about myself and ways to move forward. Since then, my business is flourishing, I have more clarity in my personal and business life and feel so much more confident and empowered to make positive change."
Aubrey M.

Powerful, Rejuvenating, & Eye-Opening!

" Tansy’s crystal reiki sessions are powerful, rejuvenating and eye-opening . You will definitely see results and be given a recording at the end of your healing session to reference as time moves forward. She is extremely thorough , knowledge, and highly adept at what she does. She truly cares for others which is evident from the moment you meet her. I highly recommend her crystal reiki sessions. It is something you can’t get anywhere else."
Dan O.

Let's break this down...

Here’s what’s included in your Crystal Reiki & Intuitive Healing Session:


✨ Pre-session Crystal Reiki audio (what to expect!) (value: $15)

✨ 60- minute intuitive Reiki healing session (value: $150)

✨ Specific crystal protocols & grids based off your session’s intentions (value: $100)

✨ Intuitively guided use of energy healing tools during session (value: $50)

✨ 20-30 minutes of reflection from session notes, complete with coaching (value: $100)

✨ Action steps prioritizing how to best move forward (value: $50)

✨ Audio recording of post session discussion (value: $50)


I shouldn’t be saying this but…

Even though energy healing doesn’t replace medical advice or medical assistance in any way, I fully and completely believe that it is the PERFECT compliment to Western medicine.

Reiki, crystals, essential oils, and energy healing changed the trajectory of my life. I went from burnt out, depressed, anxious, and feeling too scared to make real change in my life to…

…feeling more self-confident, more calm, a deeper sense of self-love, clarity of how to move forward, and a deeper sense of courage to release the things that were holding me back from being truly, authentically me and embracing a sense of freedom that was like oxygen to my soul!

Total value for each session is $515.

Total investment for a 90-minute Crystal Reiki & Intuitive Healing session is only $225!


✨Want a shorter session? Click here to book a 60-min single session.✨

Grab Your Session!


Single Session (90-Mins)



  • Pre-session Crystal Reiki audio (what to expect!) 

  •  60- minute intuitive Reiki healing session 

  •  Specific crystal protocols & grids based off your session’s intentions

  • Intuitively guided use of energy healing tools during session

  • 20-30 minutes of reflection from session notes, complete with coaching

  • Action steps prioritizing how to best move forward

  • Audio recording of post session discussion

Grab Your Session!

3 Session Package (90-Mins)


Save $120!

  • Pre-session Crystal Reiki audio (what to expect!) 

  •  60- minute intuitive Reiki healing session 

  •  Specific crystal protocols & grids based off your session’s intentions

  • Intuitively guided use of energy healing tools during session

  • 20-30 minutes of reflection from session notes, complete with coaching

  • Action steps prioritizing how to best move forward

  • Audio recording of post session discussion

Grab Your Sessions & Save!

Frequently Asked Questions

All your questions answered here!

You've tried self-help books, podcasts, worked with personal trainers or health coaches, gone the “mainstream route,” done therapy, dabbled in all the diets, but nothing seems to stick long-term...


You need a different approach.

I’ve truly seen it all when it comes to burnout and the nervous system… 

You’re either one of two people:

  1. You’re a superwoman mom who is spread too thin and fears that if you takes the time for yourself, you will look like you are selfish, lose control of your busy to-do list, and your family will be super disappointed in you


  1. You’re a busy professional woman who loves to do all the things but gets worried and anxious that if you slow down, everything will fall apart and you will look lazy. Your mind tells you that you have to work hard to be worthy but your body tells you that you can’t keep doing this or you are going to completely burnout

But there’s good news! There’s a third option that you haven’t even realized yet…

3. You are the Queen of your world, calmly flowing through your to-do’s with grace and balance, all while learning how to keep your mind, body, and soul happy…and learning how to return back to that carefree version of you!

Grab Your Session!


✨Want a shorter session? Click here to book a 60-min single session.✨


Single Session (90-Mins)



  • Pre-session Crystal Reiki audio (what to expect!) 

  •  60- minute intuitive Reiki healing session 

  •  Specific crystal protocols & grids based off your session’s intentions

  • Intuitively guided use of energy healing tools during session

  • 20-30 minutes of reflection from session notes, complete with coaching

  • Action steps prioritizing how to best move forward

  • Audio recording of post session discussion

Grab Your Session!

3 Session Package (90-Mins)


Save $120!

  • Pre-session Crystal Reiki audio (what to expect!) 

  •  60- minute intuitive Reiki healing session 

  •  Specific crystal protocols & grids based off your session’s intentions

  • Intuitively guided use of energy healing tools during session

  • 20-30 minutes of reflection from session notes, complete with coaching

  • Action steps prioritizing how to best move forward

  • Audio recording of post session discussion

Grab Your Sessions & Save!